
Dream about getting married


Dreaming of marriage represents your desire for marriage and family, as well as expectations for love and relationships. Marriage is a symbol that represents your desire for stability and commitment. This dream reflects your expectations and hopes for the future, as well as your desire for a long-lasting relationship with your partner. Dreaming of [more …]


Dream about moving house


Home is the harbor of the soul, it is said that the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own kennel, for each of us, home is the most free place, the family has a lovely family, the family gives us warmth when we are frustrated, gives us strength [more …]


Dream of jumping


What does it mean to dream of jumping?Is it good to dream of jumping?Dreaming of jumping has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the following detailed explanation of dreaming about jumping. The jump represents the rise and fall of status and the strength of strength. If [more …]


Dream of a meeting


What does it mean to dream of a meeting?Is it good to dream of a meeting?Dreaming of a meeting will affect and react to reality, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the following detailed explanation of dreaming of a meeting. Dreaming of a meeting is a bad omen and will [more …]


Dream about riding an elevator


What does it mean to dream of taking an elevator?Is it good to dream of taking an elevator?Dreaming of taking an elevator has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the following detailed explanation of dreaming of taking an elevator. Dreaming of taking an elevator, in Zhou Gong’s [more …]


Dream about winning the lottery


What does it mean to dream of winning the lottery?Is it good to dream of winning the lottery?Dreaming of winning the lottery has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the following detailed explanation of dreaming about winning the lottery. Dreaming of the lottery is usually a [more …]


Dream about building a house


What does it mean to dream of building a house?Is it good to dream of building a house?Dreaming of building a house has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the following detailed explanation of dreaming about building a house. Building a house in a dream is [more …]


Dream about flying


What does it mean to dream of flying?Is it good to dream of flying?Dreaming of flying has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the following detailed explanation of dreaming about flying. Flying in dreams is generally directly related to sexual desire. In a broad sense, flying [more …]


Dream about exams


What does it mean to dream about exams?Is it good to dream about exams?Dreaming about exams has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the detailed explanation of dreaming about exams below. Dreaming of exams, usually speaking, is a reappearance of inner anxiety caused by exam stress in school [more …]


Dream about swimming


What does it mean to dream of swimming in the water?Is it good to dream of swimming in the water?Dreaming of swimming in the water has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the detailed explanation of dreaming about swimming in the water below. Dreaming of swimming in the [more …]