
Dream of two rainbows appearing


Dreaming of two rainbows usually represents good luck and a bright future. The rainbow is a beautiful sight in nature, it is made up of seven colors and symbolizes harmony, beauty, and hope. Seeing two rainbows in a dream is a sign that good things will happen in the coming days, which may be [more …]


Dream of the abyss


When you dream of an abyss, it means that you are facing great difficulties and challenges in real life. This dream symbolizes that you feel that you cannot escape your predicament and are in despair and helplessness. You may feel depressed, anxious, and powerless, and feel lost and uneasy about the future. You may [more …]


Dream of stormy seas


In dreams, the sight of stormy waves reflects your inner turmoil and tension in real life, and stormy waves represent great challenges and difficulties in life. Such dreams usually indicate a state of tension and uneasiness, suggesting some change or uncertainty in life. The stormy waves in the dream are a symbol of risk [more …]