Dream about arguing with someone

What does it mean to dream of quarreling with someone?Is it good to dream of quarreling with someone?Dreaming of quarreling with someone has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the detailed explanation of dreaming of quarreling with someone below.

The patient’s condition will worsen when he dreams of arguing with a loved one or a medical worker.

If you dream of arguing with a stranger on the road, it is a good omen, and your friends will invite you to a party.

If a woman dreams of arguing with her neighbors, her property will be safe.

When you dream of a quarrel, it indicates that the two have a warm relationship and also indicate that they have a strong desire for sex.

Dream of quarreling with your wife, loving husband and wife, and living happily.

If you dream of quarreling with relatives and friends, the whole family will live in harmony and get help from friends in times of crisis.

Dream of fighting with the enemy, and everything will go well.

When a staff member dreams of arguing with his boss, he will be promoted and raised.

If you dream of arguing with your subordinates, you will take care of your own affairs.

If you dream of arguing with a dead person, you will be strong and strong, and your life will be better than Nanshan.

A married woman dreams of arguing with her husband and will give birth to a boy.

If a married woman dreams of arguing with a beggar, her husband will be destitute.

The girl dreamed that she was talking back to her parents and was going to marry into a rich family soon.

Dreaming of having gums with your own woman is a bad omen, and your family will be ruined.

If you dream of a noisy friend, you will lose the help of people.

Seeing the enemy making a lot of noise in a dream is auspicious, which means that you can win.

A businessman dreams of having a quarrel with a customer, and business will not go well and his income will decrease.

When the elderly dream of arguing with their children, it is auspicious, happy life, and prolonged life.

The accused person dreams of arguing with the judge and will be released.

When a businessman dreams of fighting with a customer, it is an auspicious omen and he can make a fortune.

Tourists dream of arguing with each other, and the trip will end successfully.

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