Dream about being pregnant

Sigmund Freud based many of his conclusions on the belief that women have an overwhelming desire for motherhood and pregnancy. As a result, he attributed all dreams related to pregnancy to this assumption. Today, our understanding has expanded, revealing many potential reasons for experiencing pregnancy dreams!

Pregnancy dreams, depending on the dream, have different meanings.

Generally speaking, when a woman dreams of pregnancy, it indicates an increase in wealth and a happier life.

When a girl dreams of being pregnant, if the dream is very happy, it indicates that she will get happiness and love, or expresses envy for the happy life of others. If the dream is unpleasant to you, it may indicate that you are in trouble and troubled.

For women of gestational age, dreaming of pregnancy may indicate a desire to conceive in reality.

When a woman with children dreams of being pregnant, it may indicate that the family is happy at present, and it may also indicate that the husband and wife are gradually estranged, and the husband may be gradually cold to his wife, and the wife recalls the sweetness of the newlywed period in the dream.

When a man or an elderly person dreams of pregnancy, he expresses the desire to have children for himself or his children.

When a scholar dreams of pregnancy, or the birth of a baby, it may also indicate the birth of a new experience, a new idea, or a new achievement.

Dreaming of a pregnancy and another miscarriage may indicate that there are plans in the making, and you have given up again.

When a man dreams that his wife is pregnant, it is an indication that he may receive unexpected money.

When a woman dreams that a man is pregnant, it may suggest that the man in the dream has taken on the burden of life for her, or that the man will give birth to new fruits.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign that things are going well and that there is good fortune. And when an unmarried woman dreams of a pregnant woman, it may also indicate that it is difficult to find a partner, or that marital problems may occur even if they are married.

Most people think that people who love to dream of conceiving children and having children are mostly women who are pregnant or married and want to have children, but in fact, not necessarily, although the proportion of such women who dream like this will be larger, but we will still find that the dreamers who dream like this are far richer than the people we imagined, for example, there may be children, unmarried women, the elderly and even men.

Dreaming of pregnancy can be compensation for the desire to conceive in reality.

Psychological Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: If you dream of becoming pregnant, it mostly suggests that you have to go through a considerable waiting period to complete a plan. You discover new potential or character. Dreaming of pregnancy isn’t because you’re actually pregnant in real life, but it can be a hint that there is such a condition around you.

Psychoanalysis: If you dream of a pregnant woman, it means that you are able to see your abilities or characteristics clearly. Dreaming of a man being pregnant, especially when a woman dreams of such a vision, indicates that the man has taken on the responsibility of supporting her life.

Spiritual Symbolism: There is always a period of gestation in spiritual activity. Patience is needed here, and patience must be waited for the end of this period.

Case study of dreams about pregnancy

[Dream example 1]

I dreamed that on the edge of a fish pond in my hometown, my wife and I were walking, and we saw many tadpoles in the pond, and there were many people next to them holding bottles to catch tadpoles and put them in it, and I was very envious of it, so my wife and I also began to follow their example to catch tadpoles, but we couldn’t catch them, and then someone said to us, you should hold a bottle on the side, and the other person should go to catch it, and we did as she said, and sure enough, we also caught one, and the man saw it and said, “Hey, it’s still a pregnant tadpole, and I was very happy to hear it.” 。

The dreaming lady was a woman who had been married for many years but had never been able to conceive, and she and her husband wanted a child, so they went around doing treatments or looking for remedies, and one night she had such a dream. In this dream, the tadpole symbolizes the male sperm, the bottle is the symbol of the female genitalia ovaries, and the person who pointed them out to catch the tadpole is also the doctor or someone else who helped them in reality. This kind of dream often appears in the dreams of women who really want to have children or are pregnant in real life, which is one of the things we often say “thinking about the day and dreaming at night”, because the pregnancy phenomenon is the innate privilege of women, so this kind of dream mostly symbolizes the original desire of women to give birth, and pregnant women have such dreams, which may also be caused by an uneasy psychology about whether the production is safe or not.

Of course, the person who has such a dream may also be the husband or mother of a pregnant woman, and although their dream may be related to the birth of a child in reality, on the other hand, it will also convey some of their own wishes. For example, an elderly woman dreams that she has given birth to a boy and is very happy. In real life, her daughter is in the hospital preparing to give birth, and this dream seems to be related to her giving birth, but it also expresses one of the dreamer’s own wishes, that is, the dreamer hopes that she is as young as her daughter and can have children, and it is a boy.

Pregnancy and birth in a dream can also represent a new experience or a new consciousness in the psyche and spirit.

It symbolizes the great change of the dreamer in the spiritual realm of self and a kind of awakening of the self, but this kind of “pregnancy” in the dream is the same as in real life, if you don’t get your nourishment, it will also be “miscarried”, so, if you dream of stillbirth or miscarriage in your dream, it is a symbol of the passing of some of your thoughts, and there is no necessary connection with the miscarriage in reality, of course, the dream produced in this way can also be regarded as a symbol of excretion of distress and purification of the body, if the product of your dream is dirty and evil. In addition, pregnancy is also a symbol of the process of giving new content to your life, childbirth is a painful process, so this process may be painful, but it is a process of relieving repression and reaching more maturity, and what the child born in this dream looks like is a reflection of what the changes in your mind look like.

It seems to be in a big house, I think it is in our psychology teacher Li’s house, I am about to eat, next to my classmates Wang Jing and Teacher Li are talking about children, Wang Jing asked Teacher Li if women will be very beautiful after pregnancy, and said that someone is really beautiful after pregnant with a child, I heard it and thought, I also want to conceive a child…… This is a dream of a female college student, this female college student said that she didn’t have a boyfriend when she had this dream, I think it’s very strange, in fact, when we read the above text, we will feel very normal, the big house is the “heart” of people, “in the psychology teacher Li’s house, is preparing to eat”, referring to the dreamer is related to the psychology of the “spiritual food”, and the “pregnant child” here of course also refers to “pregnancy a new thing” It is also a symbol of the dreamer’s individual self-growth, and in order to have children, sex must be precededent, so this kind of dream also has a sexual meaning.

In addition, when adult women have such dreams, especially when the mother and child appear at the same time in the dream, they also express another wish of the dreamer, that is, they want to enter the adult world, if we express it in words, that is: I have my own children, don’t treat me as a child anymore!

[Dream example 2]

Dream description: I have been busy with my career for the past two years, so I haven’t had children. To be honest, I really like kids now. I like to see the children of my classmates and friends. The other day, I dreamed that my wife was pregnant, and she asked me if I liked boys or girls, and I said both. (Male, 30 y.o.)

Dream interpretation: Dreaming of pregnancy symbolizes an increase in wealth. If you are a man, dreaming that your wife is pregnant indicates that you will make a windfall; If you are a woman and dream that you are pregnant, it indicates that your husband is about to make a fortune. If you dream of a pregnant woman, it is a sign that things are going very well for you and that you will have good luck financially.

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