Dream about dead people

What does it mean to dream of a dead person?Is it good to dream of a dead person?Dreaming of a dead person has realistic effects and reactions, as well as the subjective imagination of the dreamer, please see the detailed explanation of dreaming of a dead person compiled below.

Dreaming of a dead person or death without fear is not necessarily a bad thing.

On the one hand, dreaming of an unknown dead person or corpse often represents something that has died, died, ended, or died, and it is a sign that you will enter a new phase and welcome a new beginning. If it is a good person or thing that dies, it indicates a painful loss; If the deceased is ugly, it represents the disappearance of bad things. Seeing the corpse of an acquaintance in a dream means that the dreamer is frustrated and unfortunate in love;

From a personal point of view, dreaming of a dead person also indicates that you are already planning to forget some unpleasant past events and are ready to move on from your frustration and embrace a new life. Death at this time symbolizes forgetting, overcoming, etc. For example, when meeting a new lover, some people will suddenly have this dream, indicating that they have forgotten the old lover who left them with painful memories.

Dreaming of yourself dying suggests that you will start a new life, or that you will change and start a new phase of your life.

If you dream that you have killed yourself, it is also a sign that you have ended your “past me” or that you have eliminated a bad aspect of your mind. If the dead self in the dream is ugly, it means that you have finally ended a certain aspect of suffering, or overcome a certain aspect of the shortcoming, and the mind has been reborn. The dead man in the dream is a symbol of self-detachment.

On the other hand, dreaming of a dead person also symbolizes the loss of vitality.

For example, dreaming that someone you know is dying may indicate that you feel that the person in your dream is losing vitality and becoming stiff. Sometimes there is a miscommunication and when you are tired, you may have such dreams. Sometimes dreaming of people suddenly turning into stone statues also has this meaning.

Dreaming that you are dying indicates that you are worried that you will lose your vitality. When you feel like your heart is dead, or you worry that you won’t be growing anymore. Or they feel that there is no joy in living, like a “walking dead”, and when their hearts are like ashes, they will also dream of their own death. Conversely, if you dream of the resurrection of the dead, it suggests that you have regained your vitality.

Another meaning of dreaming of a dead person is that the dream is indeed a warning.

Eating with a dead person in a dream suggests that you will live a long life.

For example, if you suddenly dream that a relative or friend has died, and you feel grief in the dream, that person is really dead or seriously ill.

Generally speaking, if the dream is happy, it has a good meaning. If you can feel grief and heaviness in the dream, it may be a warning meaning.

In the West, the Freudian view also holds that when you dream of the death of a loved one and you are sad in the dream, sometimes you wish for the death of someone you don’t like when you are young, such as when you hate a brother or sister who shares the love of your parents, you will hope for the death of the other person.

So, on the one hand, having this dream may simply be a reproduction of that emotion at that time. In fact, it may be that you are already on good terms today. So don’t worry, it’s just your bodily function to ease childhood anxiety.

On the other hand, it may also indicate that you have a grudge against someone else in your heart, and your subconscious mind reawakens this hope from your childhood, so you dream that he is dead. And at this time, if this person is your relative, your subconscious moral mechanism will also exert a strong force at the same time, so the dreamer will feel abnormal grief in the dream.

Dreaming of talking to a dead person suggests that you want to be famous, or that your heart’s wish will be fulfilled, that things are going well, and that you will receive good news.

Dreaming of dining with someone who has died can be a sign that you will live a long life. (From.)

Dreaming that you are holding a dead person is a sign that you have excellent financial luck and a prosperous career. If you feel the smell of corpses in your dreams, or even maggots, it is a sign that you will be rich. However, if you dream of holding a corpse and calling out the name of the dead person in pain, it indicates that the dreamer may encounter changes and accidents, and even risk his life. If you are holding a skeleton in your dream, it suggests that you may be slandered and reminds you to beware of deception.

Seeing a dead person walking into a house in a dream is an indication of good luck and good fortune.

Dreaming of a dead person living happily and talking and laughing as when he was alive indicates that the dreamer may have a bad impact in his life and beware of losses.

Dreaming of a dead person crying suggests that there will be setbacks, things are not going well, and wishes are hindered.

If you dream of the death of a loved one, it indicates that the deceased relative or friend in the dream will live a long and healthy life.

Seeing the death of a stranger in a dream can indicate that there will be a turn for the better in your career, or that your business will improve and you will prosper.

Dreaming of the death of your lover is a sign that you are about to get married and live a loving and happy life.

Dreaming of a dead father coming back to life suggests that there may be disputes and disagreements in the family.

Dreaming of the resurrection of a dead friend suggests that you may be in trouble, in an embarrassing situation, and in need of help.

Hearing the news of the death of your enemy in your dream is a sign that you will make forgiving and faithful friends.

Dreaming of a dead person coming out of a coffin suggests a sudden visit from a friend who has not been in touch for a long time.

If you dream of arguing with a dead person, it means that you will be strong and strong, and your life will be better than Nanshan.

Talking to a dead person in a dream is an auspicious omen, and you will have a prosperous source of wealth and official fortune. But it has begun to gradually move towards self-reliance.

Dreaming of a deceased wife can indicate that you may remarry and that the other person is well-educated and will be your right-hand man in your career.

When a widow dreams of her deceased husband, it suggests that she may not have the intention of remarrying.

Dreaming of the death of one’s mount or animal is an indication of possible loss of economic possessions.

Zhou Gong stock market

Dreaming of the resurrection of the dead, the stock market suggests that among the stocks that have been stagnant for a long time, there will be stocks whose stock prices will fluctuate.

Dreaming of the resurrection of the dead coming out of a coffin suggests that the previously undistributed dividends of the stocks held will resume distribution, or that stocks that have been low for a long time will suddenly rise and rise.

Seeing a dead person coming into the house in a dream suggests that for a long time, the stocks that have not moved and the shares that have not been allocated, will be active, and if the deceased is a grandmother, they should buy food stocks.

Zhou Yi interprets dreams

If you dream of talking to a dead person, you will become famous.

If you dream of eating with someone who is already dead, you will live a long life.

Dream of holding a dead person in your arms, or calling out the name of a dead person, and soon to pass away.

The widower dreams of his deceased wife and will marry a nurtured woman who will become an assistant in his career.

When a widow dreams of her deceased husband, she will observe chastity and leave her name in the annals of history.

Psychological Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: If you see someone who has died in your dream, they usually represent a particularly positive or negative feeling you are experiencing in relation to these people. The cause of such a dream may be guilt or aggression that has not yet been addressed. Dreaming of the deceased in this way is the only possibility of finally ending the relationship.

Psychoanalysis: Memories may be sealed in the subconscious for years. When you see deceased people in your dreams, you often think of other times, places, or other relationships. This will help you cope better with the situation.

Spiritual symbolism: If you dream of someone who has died, it may indicate a connection between your spirit and your long-forgotten ancestors.

Case study of dreams about dead people

In my dream, I didn’t know who I was attending at the memorial service, because I didn’t know the face of the deceased person, I didn’t know him, but when I was giving him flowers, he suddenly grabbed my hand! [Female, 26 y.o.)

Dream Interpretation: Death In this dream, it is more symbolic of your special psychology. You may have a very important matter to solve, which seems to be a troublesome matter, and if you want to hide or escape, it may be full of flaws, and it is best to open your mind and face it.

The death in the dream also symbolizes that you will have a very important transformation in real life. Death is actually the meaning of starting over.

The dead person symbolizes your past memories, which may be bad, but they can also be good, and no matter what, they must be memories that you want to forget. A stranger in your dream grabs your hand and doesn’t let go, indicating that the problem you’re trying to avoid has never been resolved.

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