Top 10 Classic Dream Analysis

How much is the connection between dreams and the real world? Nary Sdee, a well-known American psychologist, analyzed 10,000 dreams sampled by the survey, and through the analysis of several common dreams of ours, he revealed to you the connection between dreams and reality and the meaning of dreams.

Dream 1: Falling, falling, falling…… We often start dreaming of ourselves falling, falling in space, falling in a time tunnel, after falling asleep. Experts believe that this is the feeling of moving from wakefulness to sleep, so it’s not really a dream, it’s just a physical reaction of our body, but our brain that is about to go to sleep interprets it as a dream. When we start to fall asleep, we begin to enter the REM state, which is the phase of rapid eye movements. The limbs of our body begin to experience intense, short twitching. The scientific explanation is: myoclonic spasm. This phenomenon also manifests itself in real life, and it is possible to have this feeling when we walk down the edge of a cliff. Our subconscious mind interprets this physical response of our body as a dream when we are not awake. Understandably, such dreams tell us that we are afraid of difficult situations that we are about to face or have already had to face. Actually, there is no need to be afraid that you have fallen to the bottom in your dreams, and in real life there is a sign of possible death, because so far, there has been no such incident.

Dream 2: Being Chased When you dream that you are being chased by someone, but you can’t move and run, this kind of dream is actually another natural response to the brain’s fantasies, and such dreams usually appear during the REM sleep stage. At this point, your body is actually numb, and our subconscious mind transforms this numbness into a feeling of helplessness, as if you can’t escape the pursuit. Sometimes, the person who pursues you can be understood as your hostility towards someone else or the hostility of others towards you, and once you can discern where that hostility is coming from, you will not be haunted by such nightmares at night.

Dream 3: Flying in the Sky This is one of the dreams that people often encounter: seven out of ten people will experience flying in such dreams in their lifetimes. Dee herself had these dreams at least ten times when she was younger, and each time she woke up feeling very happy. One explanation is that the soul leaves the dreamer’s body at that time, so when you wake up from the dream, it feels like reality. A more scientific explanation is that the dream of flying reflects what Darwin once referred to as “genetic memory”, because he believed that our ancestors were birds. But one thing is for sure, people who dream like this don’t feel depressed. Such dreams, Dee explains, express the dreamer’s hope and ability to solve their own problems.

Dream 4: Tooth LossIf you dream that your teeth are falling out, it is actually a very good hint that your life will take a big turn for the better. Why does such a dream mean transformation? Quite simply, tooth loss represents the loss of a person’s milk teeth, which in real life manifests itself as a transition from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, this dream conveys a message of growth and maturity, and it also means that you will have to take on more responsibilities.

Dream 5: Being cheated on or cheating on your lover If you are married or have a regular friend of the opposite sex, but you are having sex with another man in your dream, or you consciously cheat on your husband or boyfriend in your dream. Then this means that you have signs of cheating on your lover or are about to do something in your dreams. Interestingly, if your boyfriend tells you similar dreams, it may mean that his feelings for you are fake, and he may have been confused or doubtful about your relationship for a long time.

Dream No. 6: Lovemaking, Lovemaking, Endless Sex…… Such dreams are usually dreamed by men who have reached puberty, and they may recur by the time they are in their fifties or sixties. A good sign is that if you have pleasure in your dream, it means that you are making very good progress with your lover, and if you are watching someone else do it in your dream, it means that you are happy with your existing lover but are unable to do anything about your relationship. The most interesting thing is that if you dream of incest in your dream, it is a sign that you will soon be demoted from your current position and suffer large financial losses. Dream 7: Encounter an AccidentWhen you dream of an accident such as a car accident, train derailment, air crash, or capsizing, you have to be careful: this is a sign that something bad is about to happen. These dreams sometimes represent real life, and you have to be extra careful when you’re driving, driving, or boating. If you dream that an unfortunate accident happens to someone you know, it is a sign that you do not have a good impression of that person, on the contrary, if you dream that the person is dead, it is a sign that that person will have good luck.

Dream 8: Reuniting with an old friendThis dream usually occurs in the middle of a year or two of major changes in your life, subconsciously you want to return to a place you used to know or an old friend, however, you also know that this is impossible. There are also examples of this: you may dream of very good friends from your childhood, which means that you want to forget about the unpleasant things in your life right now and want to seek simple, loyal friends like when you were a teenager.

Dream No. 9: Water, Water, Water Everywhere…… Whether your dream is a tranquil lake, a dripping stream, a raging river, or a calm ocean, the water in your dream always symbolizes the essence of life, representing spiritual baptism and rebirth. Once your life becomes complicated, you may dream that you are drowning in water, and the lake symbolizes that you want to break free from the chaos of life as soon as possible and longs for a peaceful and secure life. A flood or a raging river is a sign that you are facing pressures and situations that you cannot control.

Dream 10: Terrible SnakesSuddenly, in a dream, you dreamed that thousands of snakes surrounded you, but you did not feel scared at all, on the contrary, you showed composure, self-confidence, and a good state of control over the situation. Freudian thought of the snake as the worship of the genitals, but Nery Sdee preferred to think of it as a manifestation of a person’s energy, sexuality, and strong mental state.

When you see a snake spitting out letters and attacking you in your dreams, it is a warning that there are people around you who are deceiving you, or that there are people who are very cunning, dishonest and jealous of you. But if it’s a big, sluggish snake, it represents wisdom and knowledge.

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